Profiling Module

The profiling module is used to profiling the processes from the Process Discovery Module, and send the snapshot to the backend server.


Name Default Environment Key Description true ROVER_PROFILING_ACTIVE Is active the process profiling.
profiling.check_interval 10s ROVER_PROFILING_CHECK_INTERVAL Check the profiling task interval.
profiling.flush_interval 5s Combine existing profiling data and report to the backend interval.
task.on_cpu.dump_period 9ms The on CPU profiling thread stack dump period. 2s The interval of send network profiling metrics to the backend. rover_net_p The prefix of network profiling metrics name.

Profiling Type

All the profiling tasks are using the Linux Official Function and kprobe or uprobe to open perf event, and attach the eBPF Program to dump stacks.


On CPU Profiling task is using PERF_COUNT_SW_CPU_CLOCK to profiling the process with the CPU clock.


Off CPU Profiling task is attach the finish_task_switch in krobe to profiling the process.


Network Profiling task is intercept IO-related syscall and urprobe in process to identify the network traffic and generate the metrics. Also, the following protocol are supported for analyzing using OpenSSL library, BoringSSL library, GoTLS, NodeTLS or plaintext:

  1. HTTP/1.x
  2. HTTP/2
  3. MySQL
  4. CQL(The Cassandra Query Language)
  5. MongoDB
  6. Kafka
  7. DNS


Network profiling uses metrics send data to the backend service.

Data Type

The network profiling has customized the following two types of metrics to represent the network data:

  1. Counter: Records the total number of data in a certain period of time. Each counter containers the following data:
    1. Count: The count of the execution.
    2. Bytes: The package size of the execution.
    3. Exe Time: The consumed time(nanosecond) of the execution.
  2. Histogram: Records the distribution of the data in the bucket.

Each metric contains the following labels to identify the process relationship:

Name Type Description
client_process_id or server_process_id string The ID of the current process, which is determined by the role of the current process in the connection as server or client.
client_local or server_local boolean The remote process is a local process.
client_address or server_address string The remote process address. ex: IP:port.
side enum The current process is either “client” or “server” in this connection.
protocol string Identification the protocol based on the package data content.
is_ssl bool Is the current connection using SSL.

Based on the above two data types, the following metrics are provided.

Name Type Unit Description
write Counter nanosecond The socket write counter
read Counter nanosecond The socket read counter
write RTT Counter microsecond The socket write RTT counter
connect Counter nanosecond The socket connect/accept with other server/client counter
close Counter nanosecond The socket close counter
retransmit Counter nanosecond The socket retransmit package counter
drop Counter nanosecond The socket drop package counter
write RTT Histogram microsecond The socket write RTT execute time histogram
write execute time Histogram nanosecond The socket write data execute time histogram
read execute time Histogram nanosecond The socket read data execute time histogram
connect execute time Histogram nanosecond The socket connect/accept with other server/client execute time histogram
close execute time Histogram nanosecond The socket close execute time histogram


Name Default Environment Key Description
profiling.task.on_cpu.dump_period 9ms ROVER_PROFILING_TASK_ON_CPU_DUMP_PERIOD The profiling stack dump period.