SkyWalking Team

The SkyWalking team is comprised of Members and Contributors, and the growth has never stopped. Members have direct access to the source of SkyWalking project and actively evolve the code-base. Contributors improve the project through submission of patches and suggestions to the Members.

All contributions to SkyWalking are appreciated

The number of contributors to the project is unbounded. All contributions to SkyWalking are greatly appreciated, whether for trivial cleanups, big new features or other material rewards.

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Project Management Committee
Name Apache ID
Can Li lican Candy198088
DongXue Si ilucky
Han Liu liuhan dalek_zero
Haochao Zhuang daming
Haoyang Liu liuhaoyangzz
Hongtao Gao hanahmily
Hongwei Zhai innerpeacez
Ignasi Barrera nacx
Jiajing Lu lujiajing
Jian Tan tanjian
Jiaqi Lin linjiaqi
Jiemin Xia jmjoy
Jinlin Fu withlin
Juntao Zhang zhangjuntao
Kai Wan wankai wankai123
Kai Wang wangkai
Name Apache ID
Lang Li lilang
Michael Semb Wever mck
Qiuxia Fan qiuxiafan
Sheng Wu (V.P. and Chair of PMC) wusheng wusheng1108
Shinn Zhang zhangxin ascrutae
Wei Zhang zhangwei24
Wenbing Wang wangwenbin
Willem Ning Jiang ningjiang
Yang Bai baiyang
Yanlong He heyanlong YanlongHe
Yao Wang ywang
Yixiong Cao caoyixiong
Yongsheng Peng pengys
Yuguang Zhao zhaoyuguang
Zhang Kewei zhangkewei
Zhenxu Ke kezhenxu94 kezhenxu94
Name Apache ID
Brandon Fergerson bfergerson
Gui Cao zifeihan zifeihan007
Hailin Wang wanghailin
Huaxi Jiang hoshea Zerone___01
Jiapeng Liu liujiapeng
JunXu Chen chenjunxu
Ke Zhang zhangke Humbertttttt
Ming Wen wenming
Qiang Li liqiang
Ruixian Wang ax1an Ax1anRISE
Sheng Wang wangsheng
Name Apache ID
Tomasz Pytel tompytel
Wei Hua alonelaval
Wei Jin kvn
Weijie Zou kdump RootShellExp
Weiyi Liu wayilau
Ye Cao dashanji
Yihao Chen yihaochen Superskyyy
Yueqin Zhang yswdqz
Yuntao Li liyuntao
Zhusheng Xu aderm


Contributions over time