Kubernetes Process Detector

The Kubernetes process detector could detect any process under the Kubernetes container. If active the Kubernetes process detector, the rover must be deployed in the Kubernetes cluster. After finding the process, it would collect the metadata of the process when the report to the backend.


Name Default Environment Key Description
process_discovery.kubernetes.active false ROVER_PROCESS_DISCOVERY_KUBERNETES_ACTIVE Is active the kubernetes process discovery.
process_discovery.kubernetes.node_name ROVER_PROCESS_DISCOVERY_KUBERNETES_NODE_NAME Current deployed node name, it could be inject by spec.nodeName.
process_discovery.kubernetes.namespaces ROVER_PROCESS_DISCOVERY_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACES Including pod by namespaces, if empty means including all namespaces. Multiple namespaces split by “,”.
process_discovery.kubernetes.analyzers Declare how to build the process. The istio and k8s resources are active by default.
process_discovery.kubernetes.analyzers.active Set is active analyzer.
process_discovery.kubernetes.analyzers.filters Define which process is match to current process builder.
process_discovery.kubernetes.analyzers.service_name The Service Name of the process entity.
process_discovery.kubernetes.analyzers.instance_name The Service Instance Name of the process entity, by default, the instance name is the host IP v4 address from “en0” net interface.
process_discovery.kubernetes.analyzers.process_name The Process Name of the process entity, by default, the process name is the executable name of the process.
process_discovery.kubernetes.analyzers.labels The Process Labels, used to aggregate similar process from service entity. Multiple labels split by “,”.

Process Analyze

The process analysis declares which process could be profiled and how to build the process entity. The Istio and Kubernetes resources are active on default.


The filter provides an expression(go template) mechanism to match the process that can build the entity. Multiple expressions work together to determine whether the process can create the entity. Each expression must return the boolean value. Otherwise, the decision throws an error.

The context is similar to the entity builder. Using context could help the rover understand which process could build the entity.

Process Context

Is the same with the process context in scanner, but doesn’t need to add the {{ and }} in prefix and suffix.

Pod Context

Provide current pod information and judgments.

Name Argument Example Description
Name None eq .Pod.Name "test-pod-name" The name of the current pod. The example shows the pod name is equal to test-pod-name.
Namespace None eq .Pod.Namespace "test-namesapce" The name of the current pod namespace. The example shows the pod namespace name is equal to test-namespace.
Node None eq .Pod.Node "test-node" The name of the node deployed. The example shows the pod node name is equal to test-node.
LabelValue KeyNames eq .Pod.LavelValue "a,b" "v" The label value of the label keys, If provide multiple keys, if any key has value, then don’t need to get other values. The example shows the pod has anyone a or b label key, and the value matches to v.
ServiceName None eq .Pod.ServiceName "test-service" The service name of the pod. The example shows current pods matched service name is test-service.
HasContainer Container name .Pod.HasContainer "istio-proxy" The pod has the appointed container name.
LabelSelector selector .Pod.LabelSelector The pod is matches the label selector. For more details, please read the official documentation.
HasServiceName None .Pod.HasServiceName The pod has the matched service.

Container Context

Provide current container(under the pod) information.

Name Argument Example Description
Name None eq .Container.Name "istio-proxy" The name of the current container under the pod. The examples show the container name is equal to istio-proxy.


The entity including layer, serviceName, instanceName, processName and labels properties.

The entity also could use expression to build(serviceName, instanceName and processName).


Same with the rover context in the scanner.


Same with the process context in the scanner.


The information on the current pod.

Name Argument Example Description
Name None {{.Pod.Name}} The name of current pod.
Namespace None {{.Pod.Namespace}} The name of current pod namespace.
Node None {{.Pod.Node}} The name of the node deployed.
LabelValue KeyNames {{.Pod.LavelValue "a,b"}} The label value of the label keys, If provide multiple keys, if any key has value, then don’t need to get other values.
ServiceName None {{.Pod.ServiceName}} The service name of the pod. If the pod hasn’t matched service, then return an empty string.


The information of the current container under the pod.

Name Argument Example Description
Name None {{.Container.Name}} The name of the current container under the pod.
ID None {{.Container.ID}} The id of the current container under the pod.