Zipkin receiver

The Zipkin receiver makes the OAP server work as an alternative Zipkin server implementation for collecting traces. It supports Zipkin v1/v2 formats through the HTTP collector and Kafka collector.

Use the following config to activate it. Set enableHttpCollector to enable HTTP collector and enableKafkaCollector to enable Kafka collector.

  selector: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN:default}
    # Defines a set of span tag keys which are searchable.
    # The max length of key=value should be less than 256 or will be dropped.
    searchableTracesTags: ${SW_ZIPKIN_SEARCHABLE_TAG_KEYS:http.method}
    # The sample rate precision is 1/10000, should be between 0 and 10000
    sampleRate: ${SW_ZIPKIN_SAMPLE_RATE:10000}
    ## The below configs are for OAP collect zipkin trace from HTTP
    enableHttpCollector: ${SW_ZIPKIN_HTTP_COLLECTOR_ENABLED:true}
    restPort: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_REST_PORT:9411}
    restAcceptQueueSize: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_REST_QUEUE_SIZE:0}
    ## The below configs are for OAP collect zipkin trace from kafka
    enableKafkaCollector: ${SW_ZIPKIN_KAFKA_COLLECTOR_ENABLED:true}
    kafkaBootstrapServers: ${SW_ZIPKIN_KAFKA_SERVERS:localhost:9092}
    kafkaGroupId: ${SW_ZIPKIN_KAFKA_Group_Id:zipkin}
    kafkaTopic: ${SW_ZIPKIN_KAFKA_TOPIC:zipkin}
    # Kafka consumer config, JSON format as Properties. If it contains the same key with above, would override.
    kafkaConsumerConfig: ${SW_ZIPKIN_KAFKA_CONSUMER_CONFIG:"{\"auto.offset.reset\":\"earliest\",\"\":true}"}
    # The Count of the topic consumers
    kafkaConsumers: ${SW_ZIPKIN_KAFKA_CONSUMERS:1}
    kafkaHandlerThreadPoolSize: ${SW_ZIPKIN_KAFKA_HANDLER_THREAD_POOL_SIZE:-1}
    kafkaHandlerThreadPoolQueueSize: ${SW_ZIPKIN_KAFKA_HANDLER_THREAD_POOL_QUEUE_SIZE:-1}

Zipkin query

The Zipkin receiver makes the OAP server work as an alternative Zipkin server implementation for query traces. It implemented ZipkinQueryApiV2 through the HTTP service, supporting Zipkin-lens UI. Notice: Zipkin query API implementation does not support BanyanDB yet.

Use the following config to activate it.

  selector: ${SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN:default}
    # For HTTP server
    restPort: ${SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_REST_PORT:9412}
    restContextPath: ${SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_REST_CONTEXT_PATH:/zipkin}
    restMaxThreads: ${SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_REST_MAX_THREADS:200}
    restIdleTimeOut: ${SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_REST_IDLE_TIMEOUT:30000}
    restAcceptQueueSize: ${SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_REST_QUEUE_SIZE:0}
    # Default look back for serviceNames, remoteServiceNames and spanNames, 1 day in millis
    lookback: ${SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_LOOKBACK:86400000}
    # The Cache-Control max-age (seconds) for serviceNames, remoteServiceNames and spanNames
    namesMaxAge: ${SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_NAMES_MAX_AGE:300}
    ## The below config are OAP support for zipkin-lens UI
    # Default traces query max size
    uiQueryLimit: ${SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_UI_QUERY_LIMIT:10}
    # Default look back for search traces, 15 minutes in millis
    uiDefaultLookback: ${SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_UI_DEFAULT_LOOKBACK:900000}