Backend storage

The SkyWalking storage is pluggable. We have provided the following storage solutions, which allow you to easily use one of them by specifying it as the selector in application.yml

  selector: ${SW_STORAGE:elasticsearch}

Natively supported storage:

  • H2
  • OpenSearch
  • ElasticSearch 6, 7, 8
  • MySQL
  • MySQL-Sharding(Shardingsphere-Proxy 5.1.2)
  • TiDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • BanyanDB


Activate H2 as storage, set storage provider to H2 In-Memory Databases. Default in the distribution package. Please read Database URL Overview in H2 official document. You can set the target to H2 in Embedded, Server and Mixed modes.

Setting fragment example

  selector: ${SW_STORAGE:h2}
    driver: org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource
    url: jdbc:h2:mem:skywalking-oap-db
    user: sa
    maxSizeOfBatchSql: ${SW_STORAGE_MAX_SIZE_OF_BATCH_SQL:100}
    asyncBatchPersistentPoolSize: ${SW_STORAGE_ASYNC_BATCH_PERSISTENT_POOL_SIZE:1}


OpenSearch is a fork from ElasticSearch 7.11 but licensed in Apache 2.0. OpenSearch storage shares the same configurations as ElasticSearch. In order to activate OpenSearch as storage, set the storage provider to elasticsearch.


NOTE: Elastic announced through their blog that Elasticsearch will be moving over to a Server Side Public License (SSPL), which is incompatible with Apache License 2.0. This license change is effective from Elasticsearch version 7.11. So please choose the suitable ElasticSearch version according to your usage. If you have concerns about SSPL, choose the versions before 7.11 or switch to OpenSearch.

Since 9.2.0, SkyWalking provides no-sharding/one-index mode to merge all metrics/meter and records(without super datasets) indices into one physical index template metrics-all and records-all on the default setting. In the current one index mode, users still could choose to adjust ElasticSearch’s shard number(SW_STORAGE_ES_INDEX_SHARDS_NUMBER) to scale out. After merge all indices, the following indices are available:

  • sw_ui_template
  • sw_metrics-all-${day-format}
  • sw_log-${day-format}
  • sw_segment-${day-format}
  • sw_browser_error_log-${day-format}
  • sw_zipkin_span-${day-format}
  • sw_records-all-${day-format}

Provide system environment variable(SW_STORAGE_ES_LOGIC_SHARDING). Set it to true could shard metrics indices into multi-physical indices as same as the versions(one index template per metric/meter aggregation function) before 9.2.0.

Since 8.8.0, SkyWalking rebuilds the ElasticSearch client on top of ElasticSearch REST API and automatically picks up correct request formats according to the server-side version, hence you don’t need to download different binaries and don’t need to configure different storage selectors for different ElasticSearch server-side versions anymore.

For now, SkyWalking supports ElasticSearch 6.x, ElasticSearch 7.x, ElasticSearch 8.x, and OpenSearch 1.x, their configurations are as follows:

  selector: ${SW_STORAGE:elasticsearch}
    namespace: ${SW_NAMESPACE:""}
    clusterNodes: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_CLUSTER_NODES:localhost:9200}
    protocol: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_HTTP_PROTOCOL:"http"}
    trustStorePath: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_SSL_JKS_PATH:""}
    trustStorePass: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_SSL_JKS_PASS:""}
    user: ${SW_ES_USER:""}
    password: ${SW_ES_PASSWORD:""}
    secretsManagementFile: ${SW_ES_SECRETS_MANAGEMENT_FILE:""} # Secrets management file in the properties format includes the username, password, which are managed by 3rd party tool.
    dayStep: ${SW_STORAGE_DAY_STEP:1} # Represent the number of days in the one minute/hour/day index.
    indexShardsNumber: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_INDEX_SHARDS_NUMBER:1} # Shard number of new indexes
    indexReplicasNumber: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_INDEX_REPLICAS_NUMBER:1} # Replicas number of new indexes
    # Super data set has been defined in the codes, such as trace segments.The following 3 config would be improve es performance when storage super size data in es.
    superDatasetDayStep: ${SW_SUPERDATASET_STORAGE_DAY_STEP:-1} # Represent the number of days in the super size dataset record index, the default value is the same as dayStep when the value is less than 0
    superDatasetIndexShardsFactor: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_SUPER_DATASET_INDEX_SHARDS_FACTOR:5} #  This factor provides more shards for the super data set, shards number = indexShardsNumber * superDatasetIndexShardsFactor. Also, this factor effects Zipkin and Jaeger traces.
    superDatasetIndexReplicasNumber: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_SUPER_DATASET_INDEX_REPLICAS_NUMBER:0} # Represent the replicas number in the super size dataset record index, the default value is 0.
    indexTemplateOrder: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_INDEX_TEMPLATE_ORDER:0} # the order of index template
    bulkActions: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_BULK_ACTIONS:1000} # Execute the async bulk record data every ${SW_STORAGE_ES_BULK_ACTIONS} requests
    flushInterval: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_FLUSH_INTERVAL:10} # flush the bulk every 10 seconds whatever the number of requests
    concurrentRequests: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS:2} # the number of concurrent requests
    resultWindowMaxSize: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_QUERY_MAX_WINDOW_SIZE:10000}
    metadataQueryMaxSize: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_QUERY_MAX_SIZE:5000}
    segmentQueryMaxSize: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_QUERY_SEGMENT_SIZE:200}
    profileTaskQueryMaxSize: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_QUERY_PROFILE_TASK_SIZE:200}
    oapAnalyzer: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_OAP_ANALYZER:"{\"analyzer\":{\"oap_analyzer\":{\"type\":\"stop\"}}}"} # the oap analyzer.
    oapLogAnalyzer: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_OAP_LOG_ANALYZER:"{\"analyzer\":{\"oap_log_analyzer\":{\"type\":\"standard\"}}}"} # the oap log analyzer. It could be customized by the ES analyzer configuration to support more language log formats, such as Chinese log, Japanese log and etc.
    advanced: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_ADVANCED:""}
    logicSharding: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_LOGIC_SHARDING:false}

ElasticSearch With Https SSL Encrypting communications.


  selector: ${SW_STORAGE:elasticsearch}
    namespace: ${SW_NAMESPACE:""}
    user: ${SW_ES_USER:""} # User needs to be set when Http Basic authentication is enabled
    password: ${SW_ES_PASSWORD:""} # Password to be set when Http Basic authentication is enabled
    clusterNodes: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_CLUSTER_NODES:localhost:443}
    trustStorePath: ${SW_SW_STORAGE_ES_SSL_JKS_PATH:"../es_keystore.jks"}
    trustStorePass: ${SW_SW_STORAGE_ES_SSL_JKS_PASS:""}
    protocol: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_HTTP_PROTOCOL:"https"}

Daily Index Step

Daily index step(storage/elasticsearch/dayStep, default 1) represents the index creation period. In this period, metrics for several days (dayStep value) are saved.

In most cases, users don’t need to change the value manually, as SkyWalking is designed to observe large-scale distributed systems. But in some cases, users may want to set a long TTL value, such as more than 60 days. However, their ElasticSearch cluster may not be powerful enough due to low traffic in the production environment. This value could be increased to 5 (or more) if users could ensure a single index could support the metrics and traces for these days (5 in this case).

For example, if dayStep == 11,

  1. Data in [2000-01-01, 2000-01-11] will be merged into the index-20000101.
  2. Data in [2000-01-12, 2000-01-22] will be merged into the index-20000112.

storage/elasticsearch/superDatasetDayStep overrides the storage/elasticsearch/dayStep if the value is positive. This would affect the record-related entities, such as trace segments. In some cases, the size of metrics is much smaller than the record (trace). This would improve the shards balance in the ElasticSearch cluster.

NOTE: TTL deletion would be affected by these steps. You should set an extra dayStep in your TTL. For example, if you want to have TTL == 30 days and dayStep == 10, you are recommended to set TTL = 40.

Secrets Management File Of ElasticSearch Authentication

The value of secretsManagementFile should point to the secrets management file absolute path. The file includes the username, password, and JKS password of the ElasticSearch server in the properties format.


The major difference between using user, password, trustStorePass configs in the application.yaml file is that the Secrets Management File is being watched by the OAP server. Once it is changed manually or through a 3rd party tool, such as Vault, the storage provider will use the new username, password, and JKS password to establish the connection and close the old one. If the information exists in the file, the user/password will be overridden.

Advanced Configurations For Elasticsearch Index

You can add advanced configurations in JSON format to set ElasticSearch index settings by following ElasticSearch doc

For example, set translog settings:

    # ......
    advanced: ${SW_STORAGE_ES_ADVANCED:"{\"index.translog.durability\":\"request\",\"index.translog.sync_interval\":\"5s\"}"}

You could add the following configuration to elasticsearch.yml, and set the value based on your environment.

# In tracing scenario, consider to set more than this at least.
thread_pool.index.queue_size: 1000 # Only suitable for ElasticSearch 6
thread_pool.write.queue_size: 1000 # Suitable for ElasticSearch 6 and 7

# When you face a query error on the traces page, remember to check this.
index.max_result_window: 1000000

We strongly recommend that you read more about these configurations from ElasticSearch’s official documentation since they directly impact the performance of ElasticSearch.

About Namespace

When a namespace is set, all index names in ElasticSearch will use it as the prefix.


Activate MySQL as storage, and set storage provider to mysql.

NOTE: MySQL driver is NOT allowed in Apache official distribution and source codes. Please download the MySQL driver on your own. Copy the connection driver jar to oap-libs.

  selector: ${SW_STORAGE:mysql}
      jdbcUrl: ${SW_JDBC_URL:"jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/swtest?rewriteBatchedStatements=true"}
      dataSource.user: ${SW_DATA_SOURCE_USER:root}
      dataSource.password: ${SW_DATA_SOURCE_PASSWORD:root@1234}
      dataSource.cachePrepStmts: ${SW_DATA_SOURCE_CACHE_PREP_STMTS:true}
      dataSource.prepStmtCacheSize: ${SW_DATA_SOURCE_PREP_STMT_CACHE_SQL_SIZE:250}
      dataSource.prepStmtCacheSqlLimit: ${SW_DATA_SOURCE_PREP_STMT_CACHE_SQL_LIMIT:2048}
      dataSource.useServerPrepStmts: ${SW_DATA_SOURCE_USE_SERVER_PREP_STMTS:true}
    metadataQueryMaxSize: ${SW_STORAGE_MYSQL_QUERY_MAX_SIZE:5000}
    maxSizeOfBatchSql: ${SW_STORAGE_MAX_SIZE_OF_BATCH_SQL:2000}
    asyncBatchPersistentPoolSize: ${SW_STORAGE_ASYNC_BATCH_PERSISTENT_POOL_SIZE:4}

All connection-related settings, including URL link, username, and password, are found in application.yml. Only part of the settings is listed here. See the HikariCP connection pool document for full settings. To understand the function of the parameter rewriteBatchedStatements=true in MySQL, see the MySQL official document.


MySQL-Sharding plugin provides the MySQL database sharding and table sharding, this feature leverage Shardingsphere-Proxy to manage the JDBC between OAP and multi-database instances, and according to the sharding rules do routing to the database and table sharding.

Tested Shardingsphere-Proxy 5.1.2 version, and MySQL Client driver 8.0.13 version is currently available. Activate MySQL and Shardingsphere-Proxy as storage, and set storage provider to mysql-sharding.

NOTE: MySQL driver is NOT allowed in Apache official distribution and source codes. Please download the MySQL driver on your own. Copy the connection driver jar to oap-libs.

  selector: ${SW_STORAGE:mysql-sharding}
      jdbcUrl: ${SW_JDBC_URL:"jdbc:mysql://localhost:13307/swtest?rewriteBatchedStatements=true"}
      dataSource.user: ${SW_DATA_SOURCE_USER:root}
      dataSource.password: ${SW_DATA_SOURCE_PASSWORD:root}
    metadataQueryMaxSize: ${SW_STORAGE_MYSQL_QUERY_MAX_SIZE:5000}
    maxSizeOfBatchSql: ${SW_STORAGE_MAX_SIZE_OF_BATCH_SQL:2000}
    asyncBatchPersistentPoolSize: ${SW_STORAGE_ASYNC_BATCH_PERSISTENT_POOL_SIZE:4}
    # The dataSources are configured in ShardingSphere-Proxy config-sharding.yaml
    # The dataSource name should include the prefix "ds_" and separated by ","
    dataSources: ${SW_JDBC_SHARDING_DATA_SOURCES:ds_0,ds_1}


Tested TiDB Server 4.0.8 version, and MySQL Client driver 8.0.13 version is currently available. Activate TiDB as storage, and set storage provider to tidb.

  selector: ${SW_STORAGE:tidb}
      jdbcUrl: ${SW_JDBC_URL:"jdbc:mysql://localhost:4000/swtest?rewriteBatchedStatements=true"}
      dataSource.user: ${SW_DATA_SOURCE_USER:root}
      dataSource.password: ${SW_DATA_SOURCE_PASSWORD:""}
      dataSource.cachePrepStmts: ${SW_DATA_SOURCE_CACHE_PREP_STMTS:true}
      dataSource.prepStmtCacheSize: ${SW_DATA_SOURCE_PREP_STMT_CACHE_SQL_SIZE:250}
      dataSource.prepStmtCacheSqlLimit: ${SW_DATA_SOURCE_PREP_STMT_CACHE_SQL_LIMIT:2048}
      dataSource.useServerPrepStmts: ${SW_DATA_SOURCE_USE_SERVER_PREP_STMTS:true}
      dataSource.useAffectedRows: ${SW_DATA_SOURCE_USE_AFFECTED_ROWS:true}
    metadataQueryMaxSize: ${SW_STORAGE_MYSQL_QUERY_MAX_SIZE:5000}
    maxSizeOfArrayColumn: ${SW_STORAGE_MAX_SIZE_OF_ARRAY_COLUMN:20}
    maxSizeOfBatchSql: ${SW_STORAGE_MAX_SIZE_OF_BATCH_SQL:2000}
    asyncBatchPersistentPoolSize: ${SW_STORAGE_ASYNC_BATCH_PERSISTENT_POOL_SIZE:4}

All connection-related settings, including URL link, username, and password are found in application.yml. For details on settings, refer to the configuration of MySQL above. To understand the function of the parameter rewriteBatchedStatements=true in TiDB, see the document of TiDB best practices.


PostgreSQL JDBC driver uses version 42.3.2. It supports PostgreSQL 8.2 or newer. Activate PostgreSQL as storage, and set storage provider to postgresql.

  selector: ${SW_STORAGE:postgresql}
      jdbcUrl: ${SW_JDBC_URL:"jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/skywalking"}
      dataSource.user: ${SW_DATA_SOURCE_USER:postgres}
      dataSource.password: ${SW_DATA_SOURCE_PASSWORD:123456}
      dataSource.cachePrepStmts: ${SW_DATA_SOURCE_CACHE_PREP_STMTS:true}
      dataSource.prepStmtCacheSize: ${SW_DATA_SOURCE_PREP_STMT_CACHE_SQL_SIZE:250}
      dataSource.prepStmtCacheSqlLimit: ${SW_DATA_SOURCE_PREP_STMT_CACHE_SQL_LIMIT:2048}
      dataSource.useServerPrepStmts: ${SW_DATA_SOURCE_USE_SERVER_PREP_STMTS:true}
    metadataQueryMaxSize: ${SW_STORAGE_MYSQL_QUERY_MAX_SIZE:5000}
    maxSizeOfArrayColumn: ${SW_STORAGE_MAX_SIZE_OF_ARRAY_COLUMN:20}
    maxSizeOfBatchSql: ${SW_STORAGE_MAX_SIZE_OF_BATCH_SQL:2000}
    asyncBatchPersistentPoolSize: ${SW_STORAGE_ASYNC_BATCH_PERSISTENT_POOL_SIZE:4}

All connection-related settings, including URL link, username, and password, are found in application.yml. Only part of the settings is listed here. Please follow HikariCP connection pool document for full settings.


BanyanDB is a dedicated storage implementation developed by the SkyWalking Team and the community. Activate BanyanDB as the storage, and set storage provider to banyandb.

    port: ${SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_PORT:17912}
    profileTaskQueryMaxSize: ${SW_STORAGE_BANYANDB_PROFILE_TASK_QUERY_MAX_SIZE:200} # the max number of fetch task in a request

For more details, please refer to the documents of BanyanDB and BanyanDB Java Client subprojects.

More storage extension solutions

Follow the Storage extension development guide in the Project Extensions document.