Apache SkyWalking Python Image Release Guide

This documentation shows the way to build and push the SkyWalking Python images to DockerHub.


Before building the latest release of images, make sure an official release is pushed to PyPI where the dockerfile will depend on.


This process wil generate a list of images covering most used Python versions and variations(grpc/http/kafka) of the Python agent.

The convenience images are published to Docker Hub and available from the skywalking.docker.scarf.sh endpoint.

  • skywalking.docker.scarf.sh/apache/skywalking-python (Docker Hub)

How to build

Issue the following commands to build relevant docker images for the Python agent. The make command will generate three images(grpc, http, kafka) for each Python version supported.

At the root folder -

export AGENT_VERSION=<version>

make build-image

Or at the docker folder -

cd docker

export AGENT_VERSION=<version>


How to publish images

  1. After a SkyWalking Apache release for the Python agent, please compose a new script named <version>.sh to docker/v folder.

  2. Build images from the project root:

    export AGENT_VERSION=<version>
    make build-image
  3. Verify the images built.

  4. Push built images to docker hub repos:

    make push-image