Zabbix Receiver
The Zabbix receiver acceps metrics of Zabbix Agent Active Checks protocol format into the Meter System. Zabbix Agent is based on GPL-2.0 License.
Module definition
selector: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZABBIX:default}
# Export tcp port, Zabbix agent could connected and transport data
port: 10051
# Bind to host
# Enable config when receive agent request
activeFiles: agent
Configuration file
The Zabbix receiver is configured via a configuration file that defines everything related to receiving from agents, as well as which rule files to load.
The OAP can load the configuration at bootstrap. If the new configuration is not well-formed, the OAP fails to start up. The files
are located at $CLASSPATH/zabbix-rules
The file is written in YAML format, defined by the scheme described below. Square brackets indicate that a parameter is optional.
An example for Zabbix agent configuration could be found here. You could find details on Zabbix agent items from Zabbix Agent documentation.
Configuration file
# insert metricPrefix into metric name: <metricPrefix>_<raw_metric_name>
metricPrefix: <string>
# expSuffix is appended to all expression in this file.
expSuffix: <string>
# Datasource from Zabbix Item keys.
- <zabbix item keys>
# Support agent entities information.
# Allow hostname patterns to build metrics.
- <regex string>
# Customized metrics label before parse to meter system.
[- <labels> ]
# Metrics rule allow you to recompute queries.
[ - <metrics_rules> ]
# Define the label name. The label value must query from `value` or `fromItem` attribute.
name: <string>
# Appoint value to label.
[value: <string>]
# Query label value from Zabbix Agent Item key.
[fromItem: <string>]
# The name of rule, which combinates with a prefix 'meter_' as the index/table name in storage.
name: <string>
# MAL expression.
exp: <string>
For more on MAL, please refer to